The Global Monitor of COVID-19’s Impact on Democracy and Human Rights is a new qualitative monitor and a “one-stop-shop” online global monitoring tool/of the democracy and human rights implications of measures adopted by governments around the world in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, specifically in the 162 countries included in International IDEA’s Global State of Democracy (GSoD) Indices.
It is aimed to be a user-friendly tool for policy-makers, civil society organizations, journalists, and the general public to easily access in one place all democracy and human rights-related information on COVID-19 measures, by country, by region and globally.
The 162 COVID-19 country profiles also provide information on the political regime type of countries and pre-pandemic (2019) democratic performance scores and levels for the five attributes (sub-divided into a total of 29 aspects) of democracy in International IDEA’s Global State of Democracy Framework. For more information on the Global State of Democracy Indices, click here.
Read more about it here.